
The Perfect Pan De Sal Recipe for Breakfast Delights!

The Perfect Pan De Sal Recipe for Breakfast Delights!

Are you looking for the perfect Pan de Sal recipe to kickstart your mornings with a delightful treat? Look no further! This Filipino bread roll, coated with breadcrumbs and traditionally enjoyed with butter or cheese, is a staple in many households for breakfast and snacks. With its soft and fluffy texture, slightly sweet and salty taste, Pan de Sal is sure to become a family favorite. Let’s dive into the world of baking and learn how to make this delicious bread at home.


Here is a list of ingredients you will need to make your own Pan de Sal:
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/4 tsp instant yeast
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup warm milk
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup bread crumbs


Follow these steps to create your own batch of Pan de Sal:
1. Activate the yeast: In a bowl, mix the warm milk, sugar, and yeast. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes frothy.
2. Combine the dry ingredients: In a separate bowl, combine the flour and salt. Gradually add the yeast mixture and melted butter. Mix until a dough forms.
3. Knead the dough: Transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead for about 10-15 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
4. First rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a damp cloth, and let it rise for 1-2 hours or until it doubles in size.
5. Shape the dough: Punch down the dough and divide it into small portions. Shape each portion into a ball, then roll them in bread crumbs.
6. Second rise: Arrange the shaped dough on a baking sheet, cover them, and let them rise for another 30-45 minutes.
7. Bake: Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C) and bake the Pan de Sal for 15-20 minutes or until they turn golden brown.
8. Enjoy: Serve warm and enjoy your freshly baked Pan de Sal with your favorite spreads or fillings.

Tips for Success:

  • Ensure the yeast is fresh and not expired for proper rise.
  • Knead the dough well to develop gluten for a soft texture.
  • Let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free area for the best results.
  • Do not skip the second rise as it helps develop flavor and texture.
  • Adjust the amount of sugar to suit your preference for sweetness.


  • Cheese-filled Pan de Sal: Add a cube of cheese in the center of each dough ball before baking for a cheesy surprise.
  • Ube Pan de Sal: Incorporate ube (purple yam) powder into the dough for a vibrant color and unique flavor.
  • Cinnamon Sugar Pan de Sal: Roll the dough in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking for a sweet and aromatic twist.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. Can I substitute instant yeast with active dry yeast?
  2. Yes, you can substitute instant yeast with active dry yeast. Make sure to activate the active dry yeast in warm milk and sugar before using it.

  3. How long can I store Pan de Sal?

  4. Pan de Sal is best enjoyed fresh on the day it is baked. You can store any leftovers in an airtight container for up to 2-3 days.

  5. Can I freeze Pan de Sal dough for later use?

  6. Yes, you can freeze Pan de Sal dough after the first rise. Simply shape the dough into balls, place them on a baking sheet, freeze until solid, then transfer to a freezer bag. Thaw and let them rise before baking.

  7. Why do I need to roll the dough in breadcrumbs?

  8. Rolling the dough in breadcrumbs before baking gives Pan de Sal its signature crunchy coating and adds texture to the bread.

  9. Can I make Pan de Sal without a stand mixer?

  10. Yes, you can knead the dough by hand if you do not have a stand mixer. It may require a bit more effort, but the result will be equally delicious.

Whether you are a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, making Pan de Sal from scratch is a rewarding experience that will fill your home with the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread. Experiment with different fillings and flavors to put your own spin on this classic Filipino treat. Start your day right with a warm batch of homemade Pan de Sal and enjoy a taste of tradition with every bite.

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